Over the last 12 years I have been working with professional athletes, artists and celebrities, entrepreneurs and other inspiring people from all ages and a wide array of different backgrounds.
I´ve attended seminars, courses, mentorship programs, received certifications all around the world, mainly in the United States, Netherlands, Switzerland and Great Britain with the goal to help people to move better, feel better and perform better.
I am a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, FMS certified specialist and right now I am on my way to becoming a psychological consultant and one of the first communicologists in Germany. I also hold a bachelor degree in sports science from the Technical University Munich.
In 2005 I founded xercise, a personal training and coaching company, based in Munich, Germany. Years later I run my own studio and founded four brands in total, which I run under the name Changeworx.
But this is only one part…

Let me tell you my personal story.
In this picture you see a 23 year old version of myself during a shoot for a book about training abs. Yes, a training-guide for getting a six-pack…
I was looking good, or -as I would say- in the best “shape” of my life (if you imagine, that I´ve never had six-pack abs before) but something was wrong in the picture. Something that you can`t see.
I felt really bad during that time. My health was a mess. I have been in pain for months – at the day of the shooting and the months before.
I was suffering from the consequences of a car accident, which happened four months before. At this point I didn`t know that it would take over 8-years with surgeries, chronic pain and a big internal struggle to be in a state, where I could move pain-free again.
Before the accident happened, I was recently recovered from an year long battle with an infection followed by an auto-immune desease. Being diagnosed as psychosomatic at first (falsely), I was hospitalized for weeks much later. I was so happy to start my university studying sport science and as you know – a car crashed into mine. These were hard times. Physically and mentally.
After all, now I can say that this made me the person I am now. Professionally and personally.
Most importantly, it gave me another perspective on fitness, health and well-being.
It took a long time to realize that this was actually a gift. A gift that sent me around the world, seeking for advice, looking for different ways to solve my own situation. I realized that there was a gap between fitness training “bodybuilding-style” and physical therapy. Back in 2005 functional training wasn`t established in Germany, so I reached out to learn. I went to the United States, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, studied what I could find, all-night long.
In 2005 I also founded my company called xercise – coaching and training, based in Munich, Germany.
On my journey I met wonderful people, mentors, teachers, friends. It´s a journey which still continues to this day, and will continue long into the future. A journey, which not only helps me to grow, to get inspired and challenged, but also helps me to be a filter for the clients I am serving.
I have made a big paradigm shift the last years.
Being a personal trainer for so long I was wondering, why some of my clients didn`t succeed. Why they didn`t do, what was good for them – Even if they really wanted to do it! I mean, they sought me out for help, right?
I had two ways of seeing this. I could think that these people are lazy, that they didn`t really want it. Or they didn`t want it bad enough. But this wasn`t an option for me.
I wanted to know, WHY people do what they do. I challenged my approach. I questioned how I was working with my clients.
I found answers in behavioral psychology and interestingly in neurophysiology. I began my studies in psychological advising and started my education in Communicology®. Now I consider myself as a change worker, not solely a fitness trainer. My focus is facilitating real and lasting change in peoples lives.
I created balanceo for people like you, who are on the search of generating balance in life.
I am very grateful to present to you the essence of what I have learned and experienced over the years.